Rates & Payment

The full session rate is $110 for a 45-50 minute session and $125 for a 55-60 minute session. The first session rate is $125. I am in-network with the following insurances when there is a qualifying diagnosis:



-Optum (includes United HealthCare, Oxford, Oscar, and more)

I also offer a limited number of slots at a sliding scale rate where necessary for the client and possible for my caseload.

*I only provide therapy to individuals at least 16 years old.*

Resilient Therapy Services

Spiritual Integration

As a Christian, my faith informs every area of my life, including as a therapist. I have effectively worked with Christians and people of different faiths (or lack thereof) to help improve their mental health in ways that honor their values. Please click the link below if you are interested in learning more about my spiritual integration approach.

Areas of Focus

While I have and can work with a variety of mental health issues and concerns, there are a few areas where I have developed a level of expertise and approach. If you have any questions about whether I would be a good fit for any area not listed below, please contact me. When I am not a good fit, I will help provide you with a referral to someone better equipped to help.


Over the past several decades, the mental health field has become increasingly aware of how the effects of unresolved past trauma can continue to affect people throughout their life. The simplest way to describe this effect is that the past can feel like it defines our present reality. The ultimate goal of trauma therapy is to provide resolution that helps leave the past in the past and allow the individual to engage the present as it is. Even past events that may not technically be traumatic can continue to haunt people years and decades later (which is called "little t" trauma).

Through my training in learning different trauma approaches (including EMDR) and experience with clients, I have developed ways of helping clients find this resolution. I follow a trauma best practice approach in helping clients function better in the present first (phase 1), then moving into processing through the past events (phase 2), and finally finding out how to move forward in light of the trauma resolution (phase 3). Post-traumatic stress is real but so is post-traumatic growth.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be a debilitating psychological diagnosis and impacts millions of people every day. The intrusive thoughts produce great distress, which leads to compulsive behaviors that seem to help at first but then can have a controlling effect interfering with every day life.

For several decades, the mental health field has known the best approach for OCD to be Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), which helps people find ways to decrease the impact or even eliminate the obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. I utilize principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to implement ERP and have seen clients significantly improve their quality of life through out work together.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a psychological diagnosis characterized by persistent worry. These worries are not about any specific area, but an individual with GAD can worry about anything in their life. This anxiety is felt consistently even when there does not appear to be any specific reason for worrying and felt physically in the body.

Though we may not be able to eliminate the anxiety altogether (partially because it is a normal human emotion), we can "change your relationship" with the anxiety. Through utilizing principes I have found helpful for clients, the anxiety does not have to negatively affect your life in the way it has been, so you are able to engage your life better.

Major depressive Disorder

While sadness and even depression are common emotional experiences, a major depressive episode is when feelings of depression and other symptoms characterize the way someone feels for a prolonged period of time (a minimum of at least two weeks). Regardless of the reasons why, the impact of a depressive episode can be great and far reaching.

Because of this potential impact, it is important therapy start with helping an individual cope and manage the episode first. As new ways of responding to the depression emerge and are implemented, it is often helpful to explore any underlying reasons driving the episodes onset. Through my past experience working with both individuals experiencing depression, this approach has helped them not only move out of their depression but also help prevent future episodes.

Season of Transition or Adjustment

Even in exciting new seasons of transition or adjustment, such as a new job, moving to a new area, or getting married, it is also common for there to be difficult emotions as well. This is all the more true when we go through experiences we do not want, like the loss of a loved one, an unexpected accident or medical diagnosis, divorce, or losing a job. While we all experience times of adjustment and transition, it is important to address them and the underlying emotions to prevent further issues in the future.

My goal would be to help you start to make sense of the new narrative that is emerging for you in this season. As we understand more of the new story in your life, we can develop perspectives and skills that will not only help you manage them but also grow through them.

spiritual & Existential Issues

As humans, we are made for purpose and meaning. What we believe about God, the universe, and humanity is meant to inform how we answer these questions about purpose and meaning. When we experience difficulty with finding adequate answers to these questions, it is common for us to feel great distress.

I can relate to these concerns in my own story and seek to provide space for clients to wrestle with these questions as well. I cultivate a space for you to openly explore these questions and how they impact you without any prescribed outcome from me. As we do that, we can grieve the old ways of understanding as we move forward to live out the new ways today.

If you can relate to any of these concerns or have questions about other concerns where I may be a fit, please consider scheduling a consultation or contact me for more information.